
This page is for current AWL NSW Kemps Creek foster carers only. Haven’t applied yet? Sign up here.

Smiling woman holding a cat

(for AWL NSW Kemps Creek foster carers only)

Feline Foster Care Manual Canine Foster Care Manual Pocket Pet Foster Care Manual

Tell us about your foster animal!

Providing information on their personality, likes and dislikes, and all the adorable traits that make them unique can help us match them with their perfect forever home.

Tell us about your foster cat! Tell us about your foster dog!

Reserve a spot at shelter for 6m+ foster animal

(AWL NSW Kemps Creek carers only) Book here for ALL 6+ month old foster cats and dogs returning (including temporary boarding) to our shelter from foster care. If returning to vet clinic, first book the appointment with our clinic, then reserve a shelter spot here at the closest day/time that the animal is being dropped off to the clinic.

Reserve a spot (cats) Reserve a spot (dogs)

Book a meet-and-greet at our shelter for your foster animal

Have our shelter contacted you with a prospective adopter for your foster dog or cat? Speak with the person interested then book a time with them to meet the animal at our shelter here. The Foster Care Officer will automatically be notified.

NOTE: This is only for dogs and cats that are available for adoption now and in foster care with you.

Book a cat meet-and-greet Book a dog meet-and-greet

Medication & Advocate Refill Request

Medication & Advocate Refill Request

Foster Kitten Adoption

Book appointment to adopt your own foster kitten or a foster kitten that you’ve already met in a foster home. Must be 1-3 days AFTER desex date. Please read this information before booking.

Book Adoption Appointment

Ready to collect your next foster cat or kittens?

Schedule Your Foster Kitty Pick Up

Become a foster carer

Learn more

Foster a pet

view pets here

This page is for current AWL NSW Kemps Creek foster carers only. Haven’t applied yet? Sign up here.

Smiling woman holding a cat

(for AWL NSW Kemps Creek foster carers only)

Feline Foster Care Manual Canine Foster Care Manual Pocket Pet Foster Care Manual

Tell us about your foster animal!

Providing information on their personality, likes and dislikes, and all the adorable traits that make them unique can help us match them with their perfect forever home.

Tell us about your foster cat! Tell us about your foster dog!

Reserve a spot at shelter for 6m+ foster animal

(AWL NSW Kemps Creek carers only) Book here for ALL 6+ month old foster cats and dogs returning (including temporary boarding) to our shelter from foster care. If returning to vet clinic, first book the appointment with our clinic, then reserve a shelter spot here at the closest day/time that the animal is being dropped off to the clinic.

Reserve a spot (cats) Reserve a spot (dogs)

Book a meet-and-greet at our shelter for your foster animal

Have our shelter contacted you with a prospective adopter for your foster dog or cat? Speak with the person interested then book a time with them to meet the animal at our shelter here. The Foster Care Officer will automatically be notified.

NOTE: This is only for dogs and cats that are available for adoption now and in foster care with you.

Book a cat meet-and-greet Book a dog meet-and-greet

Medication & Advocate Refill Request

Medication & Advocate Refill Request

Foster Kitten Adoption

Book appointment to adopt your own foster kitten or a foster kitten that you’ve already met in a foster home. Must be 1-3 days AFTER desex date. Please read this information before booking.

Book Adoption Appointment

Ready to collect your next foster cat or kittens?

Schedule Your Foster Kitty Pick Up

Looking for some more pet advice?

Learn More