
Pets of homeless get a helping hand

Pets of homeless get a helping hand

The Animal Welfare League will be on hand today (Tuesday June 3) at an event to help Sydney’s homeless people – ensuring their pets are well looked after.

The annual Homeless Connect event at Sydney Town Hall is run by Sydney Homeless Connect – a volunteer-run, not-for-profit organisation connecting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with services and support to improve their situation and find accommodation.

Homeless people coming to Town Hall today  will be introduced to housing, health, employment, social, financial and legal services – as well as being treated to a hot hearty lunch, medical and dental attention, and more.

As many homeless people have pets providing them with much-needed cheer and companionship, the Animal Welfare League NSW will have a tent in front of Town Hall from 10am to 3pm – AWL vets and other helpers providing flea and worming treatment, full health check, vaccinations, food, collars, leads, blankets and doggy jackets for the pets of homeless people.